Older Adult Living With a Mission


3Tents Communities provides an opportunity to grow as you age in all aspects of your life, in body and soul. Following the wisdom of Christian anthropology, we strive to create an atmosphere of hope, fruitfulness and service.

We are a woman-owned real estate development company and operator seeking to redefine the experience of the mature years of life. We encourage every resident to recognize their unique and eternal value, share their talents, and serve the greater community with the help of onsite opportunities for growth and flourishing.

We foster an atmosphere of work and service, as well as an environment of growth that’s shored up by Catholic Mass, prayer, and the Sacraments. Through outsourced services, residents will be able to receive spiritual care from a Catholic priest and lay persons and attend lectures with an emphasis on cultural formation, such as history, literature; and human virtues to hone as older persons. Concierge services for care, accompaniment and professional help will be available at each residence to address the ongoing needs of the tenants.

Programming is designed to enhance and enrich day-to-day living as well as inform residents of community-based services and opportunities.

“My goal is to help all residents and staff of the communities discover the transcendent value of their lives.”

– Mary Roque

Meet the Founder

Mary Roque is a Trusts and Estates attorney and owner of Entrust Care, a concierge services agency in Massachusetts. Over the past three decades, she has helped develop over 100 affordable housing units for elders, first time home buyers and low income families in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

Responding to a dire need, Mary has launched a new brand of older adult living tailored to nourish the soul.